PB3 and Coco the Clown - ELI

PB3 and Coco the Clown - ELI
Precio: 1,99 €
Categoría: Educación
Sin valoraciones
Fecha publicación: 17 junio 2015
Empresa: ELI Srl
Tamaño: 63.75 MB
Versión: 3.8
Tipo de app: iPad


PB3 and coco le clown

How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love!

Have fun and help your child learn English with this new ELI teaching app.

Adapted for children aged 9+

PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clown’s motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin!
A cool and modern tale with games and interactive activities that teach Primary School children English while having fun.

- Fantastic animation effects on every screen.
- Super-cool function allows you to record your own voice telling the story or inventing a new one!
- Read-by-myself.
- Read-to-me with karaoke highlighting to help follow the text.
- Self-correcting exercises which you can save.
- Fun games.
- “Listen and Repeat” section helps improve pronunciation and intonation.

Words and grammar carefully chosen from the English taught in the first 5 years of Primary School around the world. More than 40 years’ experience in children’s educational publishing and ELI’s dedicated editorial team guarantee the educational quality of this app.

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