Chess Reader for iPad

Chess Reader for iPad
Precio: GRATIS
Categoría: Educación
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Chess Reader for iPadvaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Chess Reader for iPadvaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Chess Reader for iPadvaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Chess Reader for iPadvaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Chess Reader for iPad 5 valoraciones
Fecha publicación: 3 noviembre 2011
Empresa: InterAjedrez
Tamaño: 4.15 MB
Versión: 1.3
Tipo de app: iPad


Reader (Visor) of chess games for iPad.
This application play games in PGN format and books in InterAjedrez format. Besides the "Play", it has an "Agent of contents" to organize our library. The "Agent" contemplates several sections in those that to frame the contents:

Collections (Colecciones).
Packages (Paquetes) .
Games (Partidas).

The Collections (Colecciones) are a form of containing similar "books/documents". For example, we can create the collection "Richar Reti" to house the different books written by this author, each one of these books will be an element of the collection.
The section of Packages (Paquetes) is thought for independent "books/documents", that are not framed in any Collection.
The section of Games (Partidas) will contain individual or contained games that don't form an unit similar to a book, for example, all the games played by Anand.

The location in a section, or other, it is only a form of organizing the contents, but it doesn't establish any type of different functionality among them, unless the Collections can contain differentiated elements, while Packages and Games are a "all" indivisible one to the "Agent of contents" effects, in what refers to the "play" the Packages and the Games can consist on a list of games, problems or documents that are visualized one to one.

The Reader (Visor) can reproduce any content in the format PGN, without necessity that it is housed in the described sections, perhaps a file copy with iTunnes (file sharing).

Another function of the "Agent of contents" is the download of "books", through Internet, from one compatible "bookstores", for example, from InterAjedrez. The downloaded materials are put, automatically, in the section of Collections (Colecciones).

For the play of contents, the Reader (Visor) divides the device's screen in three areas:

The graphic Board.
The Document.
The List of "pages".

The Board shows, in the habitual form of 2D, the position and movements and it has several buttons to move manually for the game or in an automatic way, as well as to rotate the disposition of the board.

The Document, located to the right of the board, shows the documental part of the game. Besides text, it can contain images, buttons, video, etc. It is a completely interactive area and synchronized with the graphic board, we can go to any move, of the main line or of the variants, simply touching in the Document.

Usually, for each game included in the element to be visualized it has a "page" To the right of the board and under the document, there is a List in which all the "pages" included in the element that we are visualizing will appear.

The Tab configuration allows to configure several options of the application, like they are:

To choose one of two boards.
To choose one of two sets of pieces.
If one wants animated moves and the speed to which they reproduce.
To activate, or to disable the sound.
The text size.
To show and to hide the board's coordinates.

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