Serie Cortos I

Serie Cortos I
Precio: GRATIS
Categoría: Entretenimiento
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos I 3 valoraciones
Fecha publicación: 8 julio 2010
Empresa: Reporte Informativo Corp
Tamaño: 19.28 MB
Versión: 1.0
Tipo de app: iPhone / iPod Touch


Probably one of the most common fears is the one we feel when we get in a taxi. Once we are sitting there and ready for the trip, multiple questions overwhelm us and make us worried sick... Has the driver a friendly face? Will he take me on the longest route? Will he overcharge me? Will the ride be safe? But what we don't know is all that the driver is thinking about us!

In "Masí, me tiro” a short film produced by Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires - we will see how a passenger and his driver are suspicious of each other, and how the situation has an unimaginable ending, with a lot of humor!

About Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires
Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires is a national private university founded in 1991. It is the meeting point for young people with a vocation for audiovisual arts. It is also a field for learning and researching, as well as a production center for short and feature films. Its primary mission consists of providing the highest academic and technological level in terms of cinema, video, visual arts, visual communication and teachers' training in each one of said activities, within a global setting of humanistic education.

About Moosgo
Moosgo is the first digital publishing company developing and distributing original content exclusively for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Its catalogue includes ebooks, audiobooks, comics, music, short films and videos.
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Serie Cortos I
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos Ivaloraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Serie Cortos I
por MUCeRCa
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