Codi3 Lite

Codi3 Lite
Precio: GRATIS
Categoría: Productividad
Sin valoraciones
Fecha publicación: 6 abril 2012
Empresa: Codi3
Tamaño: 933.57 kb
Versión: 1.1
Tipo de app: iPhone / iPod Touch


This practical and innovative software protects your passwords and confidential information (phone numbers, passphrases, safe combinations, home alarms, etc.).

Codi3 is pioneer in satisfying a widespread demand: the secure management of confidential information with the least possible memorizing.

It is safer to use different passwords for each site or service instead of using the same one for all of them. Codi3 makes this task easier.


- Easy to remember. You just have to memorize the Codi3 key: a letter and two numbers. It is case sensitive (e.g. a11 and A11).
- It innovates in the management of passwords in a practical and safe way. Instead of a master password to access all confidential information, each confidential element can be protected with a different Codi3 password.
- It allows you to store all types of passwords and confidential information with any type of numbers, letters, phrases, or symbols, of any length, without the need to memorize them.
- It’s always with you, on your mobile phone.

Lite version limited to 2 protected elements of each type.

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Codi3 Lite
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por Trutjot
Muy buena aplicacion. Fiable y estable. Xfecta para tener todo a mano.Una gran APP
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