Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS. Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.

Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
Precio: GRATIS
Categoría: Viajes
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers. 23 valoraciones
Fecha publicación: 9 julio 2013
Empresa: naturapps sl
Tamaño: 17.19 MB
Versión: 1.0
Tipo de app: iPhone / iPod Touch



Con Naturapps en tu iPhone podrás descubrir senderos que te llevarán a lugares increíbles. Utiliza nuestro buscador y elige la ruta que se adapte a tus necesidades. Puedes buscar por localización y por características (dificultad, longitud o tipo de ruta). Incluimos recorridos para todos los niveles y una selección de los recomendados especialmente para disfrutar con niños y para cicloturistas.

Para cada ruta Naturapps te ofrece la descripción del recorrido, una galería de imágenes y la localización del punto de inicio. Además podrás comprar desde la aplicación un mapa interactivo de calidad en el que verás la ruta, tu posición GPS y los puntos de mayor interés con contenidos interpretativos.

Descargarte la aplicación ahora y te regalamos 100 puntos para que compres la guía que más te interese, además también podrás disfrutar de rutas patrocinadas totalmente gratuitas.

Si eres un apasionado del senderismo puedes comprar la versión PRO y disfrutar sin límites de todas nuestras guías.

Olvídate de los problemas de cobertura, una vez descargadas las guías Naturapps son 100% funcionales offline.

Tenemos rutas en todo el territorio español, día a día incorporamos nuevos recorridos en los lugares más impresionantes de nuestra geografía.

Desde la aplicación puedes gestionar los contenidos que tienes descargados para optimizar el uso de la memoria de tu móvil, una vez que adquieres una ruta puedes borrarla de tu iPhone y volver a descargarla sin coste cuando quieras.

NATURAPPS ES PARA TODOS, con recorridos de todos los niveles, desde paseos a ascensiones de montaña y no hace falta ser un experto en mapas ni GPS para disfrutarlo.

No te lo pienses ¡Naturapps es tu aplicación de senderismo definitiva!


NOTA: la utilización de GPS en segundo plano puede reducir drásticamente la duración de la batería, te recomendamos que desactives otras utilidades para optimizar el consumo.

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Valoración de los usuarios

Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS. Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
por medin@SOFT
Buena app para salir a pasear por el campo y hacer senderismo
Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS. Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
por SatanasCorPetit
Buena aplicacion para encontrar rutas de montaña, aunque en mi opinion faltan rutas. Gracias UnJG
Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS. Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.valoraciones: iPhone/iPad App - Naturapps. Your hiking app which included guides for all levels, descriptive content, pictures, interactive maps and fully functional offline GPS.  Some of our itineraries are especially recommended for children and bikers.
por Jepenya
Por ahora no tiene más que cuatro rutas mal contadas.
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