
Precio: GRATIS
Categoría: Productividad
Sin valoraciones
Fecha publicación: 8 abril 2011
Empresa: GIC
Tamaño: 2.02 MB
Versión: 1.0
Tipo de app: iPhone / iPod Touch


ESPACIO is Espacio's dynamic link about its activities, speakers, conference, talks, workshops, videos, news, youth participants, and more. @Espacio2011 'Digital Wave' will be in #Puebla
Since 1997, Espacio de Vinculación Asociación Civil (EVAC) contributes actively and constructively to the building of fair and better prepared societies for the future. EVAC pioneered through Espacio with constructive dialogue; it evolved with Espacio Vanguardia into concrete proposals for change; and it spread out with its international collaboration of Red Vanguardia. In 2011, EVAC gave another step, with the concrete actions of Agentes 360. EVAC has had a presence in Mexico, Latin-America, United States, and Europe, fostering youth's critical capacity and supporting their projects in a broad array of participatory platforms.

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